hoo. Managed to pull myself out of bed today in time for morning lecture. Met huili on the bus, and we both figured i'll be slightly late. I was telling her how my lecturer has the tendancy to arrive late to lecture, and was joking that maybe she wouldn't have started when I reached. I got off the bus, and decided to grab something light for breakfast. I went into lecture and she's still setting up her laptop! Yea.
Went for a performance with yi-shyan. Her fren's performing in it, hence some form of obligation. Yunno, I've always sniggered at the thought of SDU. And today, I've actually went for one of the performances they sponsored! Lol. It's sort of a musical, with many songs slotted in-between scenes. I think that the performancers belong to some choir, because they really can sing! And I find my money more well spent than in the XXX production.
Here's an outline of the plot, which I thought was quite fresh. Story started with the female lead, xinyue, talking to her boyfriend, trying to dissuade him from going to US for further studies. Halfway through, a guy crosses the road towards them and got knocked down by a car, and before he died, he kept looking at xinyue.
Xinyue is moving out of her house by the sea, and she is worried that her bf, who hasn't contacted her for two years, might not be able to contact her in case he sends a mail. So, she places a letter inside the mailbox for the new owner, telling him to forward whatever letter he gets from her bf to her.
Kaifeng is the designer for this house by the sea. He fiddles with the mailbox and am surprised to find a letter inside, by xinyue. At kaifeng's era, the house isn't even built, in 2004, yet the letter by xinyue signs off at 2006. So he wrote a reply and placed it inside the mailbox, requesting for the 4D no. for the week. And xinyue gets the letter in 2006. She checked up the 4D no, and asked if he could get back a recorder she lost 2 years ago in esplanade library. He opens the reply, the 4D no matches, and he saw xinyue(2004) at the library playing piano, and got mesmerized by her, and retrieved the recorder she misplaced. So they confirmed that all this isn't a prank.
They started exchanging letters, and when xinyue found out her bf was two-timing her, kaifeng was there to comfort her. So feelings grew and they planned to meet on the 12th feb 06. For her it'll be a week away, but for him, 2 years and a week. hah. On that day they promised to meet, he didn't turn up. She kept waiting for days. Until a designer overseeing a project came along. The designer was kaifeng's fren, and he's overseeing this project left by kf, one meant for xinyue. Apparently kf died 2 years ago in a car accident. Get it? He was the one who died in the first scene. So xinyue was devastated and rushed to the mailbox to send a letter to kf, warning him not to come and look for her, lest getting in the accident. And she thought he died. All these being in the 2006 of xinyue.
Then, time goes back to when xinyue was packing up in her house and writing the letter, kaifeng comes along with a letter, asking her if she has some time to listen to an incredible story. And this, is the 2006 of kaifeng.
So SDUish, but i still enjoyed the play nonetheless.