went to watch hide and seek at 220 am yesterdae, was yawning uncontrollably halfway thru the show. It's pretty okay. Not very scary tho. Took neos with melissa today.
During service, there was this multiple-choice question to help us find out what's our language of love. And mine turned out to be physical touch. Haha, believe it or not, i enjoy hugging ppl, holding hands, and stuff liddat. But the problem is, not many ppl are comfortable with this expression of love, so it's really weird to go around hugging everyone.. haha.. yupp, if i dun hug you, it doesn't mean that i dun love you. :)
The book i borrowed from the library is ultra-heart-wrenching i tell you.. i can't bear to read on, because the way the mother treats the boy is just so terrible i feel so hurt for the boy.
Was and am thinking about pursuing dance again. I gave it up in the first place because i was impulsive and immature. Would have completed all the grades if i din give up. *hates myself* Sigh. But it'll take quite a sum to see me through this pursuit, and i'll need to put in extra effort to catch up.. Ahhh, i really miss dancing. :( pouts.