Friday, May 05, 2006

Exams are OVER. another semester gone. phoof. just like that. it's has been a fast yet long one. it's a shorter semester compared to the previous one, but taking 6 modules make days long and dreadful.

An eventful semester, witnessing yi-shyan's conversion and the opening of elections 2006. Night cycling, preparations for matriculation and having a bunch of sisters from youth come join the uni group. Many birthday celebrations and farewell for claire.

More adapting, more uncomfort.

All these, with God's grace with me. He sustains me, comforts me, assures me, and shows more of His love to me.

The opening of long summer holidays. I've started to look for a job. Need one to support me financially for the next year. I don;t wish to see conflicts between my to-be job and church. But i can foresee it coming.


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